

Truffle mushrooms are among many people’s favorite ingredients. Stir-fried Truffle Thai jasmine Rice Delicious and elegant dishes suitable for every occasion. I guarantee that if you make this menu for your family to eat, everyone will definitely be impressed with your craftsmanship. If you are ready, let’s see how to do it.


How to cook

1. Place vegetable oil in a wok. Crack the eggs into the wok, scramble to break the egg mixture.

2. Add Chinese sausage, stir-fry until nice and cooked. Add BBQ red pork, Chinese kale, shimeji mushroom and shiitake mushroom. Stir-fry until mix together.

3. Add Thai jasmine rice and stir-fry until all mixed. Season with sugar, soy sauce and fish sauce. Stir until well seasoned. Add truffle mushroom, stir to mix well.

If you are looking for Thai jasmine rice products, you can contact us through the channels below. We are available 24/7 to provide advice and consultation. Or, if you need a recipe that contains Thai Hom Mali jasmine rice, we have put together a Thai Hom Mali rice review at RU Hungry.

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